MSC-V Keeps Up With Three Fibers

For over a decade Mitsubishi’s MSC-3 Series has been the fastest automation in the laser industry. Not any more. The new MSC-V sets a whole new standard.

  • :52 Second Nest Unload/Sheet Reload – as long as your sheet takes longer than :52 to cut, the MSC-V will keep pace.
  • Independent Unload/Reload – ideal for multi-tasking on a multiple laser system.
  • Supports Three Fibers on One Line – there are MSC-3’s in Wisconsin keeping up with two fibers.  The MSC-V goes one better, able to service three fibers even when processing short cycle time nests and dissimilar materials on each laser.
  • Dual Material Towers Available – or feed one ore MSC-V lines with a River rack system.

What sense does it make to drop big bucks on high speed fiber lasers if the automation can’t keep up?  That’s not an issue with Mitsubishi’s MSC-V.  Check it out, its impressive.




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